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Term Control


file  libtui_term_control.h
 The group of functions that provide a nice interface for the client to work with terminal settings. Handles all the platform dependent dirty stuff and makes it easy for user to work with.


void libtui_hide_cursor (void)
 Hides the cursor of the terminal.
void libtui_show_cursor (void)
 Shows the cursor of the terminal.
void libtui_true_clear (void)
 Truly clears the console independent from all the buffer stuff. Uses: system("clear");.

Detailed Description

All the things about the term_control module

Function Documentation

◆ libtui_hide_cursor()

void libtui_hide_cursor ( void )

Hides the cursor of the terminal.

Make sure to call libtui_enable_cursor() before exiting your program.

◆ libtui_true_clear()

void libtui_true_clear ( void )

Truly clears the console independent from all the buffer stuff. Uses: system("clear");.

Only reasonable use case for this function is calling it in the beginning of your program to clear everthing that has been written to terminal thus, giving your program a completely empty space to draw to.